» ASP Solver Competition

Summary of all benchmark classes in the SCore competition

This section presents the results for the benchmark classes of the First Answer Set Programming System Competition.
Each single run was limited to 600 seconds execution time and 448 MB RAM memory usage.
For the sake of completeness, we provide similar data for all benchmarks used in each competition class. In addition, the tables give the number of instances selected from each class ("#") and provide additional information on the satisfiable and unsatisfiable instances.

Results for SAT and UNSAT instances

Benchmark Class # Solved % SAT % UNSAT % min max avg
15-Puzzle 10 236/260 90.77 121/130 93.08 115/130 88.46 0.74 480.13 25.49
Factoring 5 114/130 87.69 46/52 88.46 68/78 87.18 1.21 554.76 50.35
RLP-150 14 306/364 84.07 21/26 80.77 285/338 84.32 0.34 205.03 22.01
RLP-200 14 287/364 78.85 0/0 287/364 78.85 0.39 581.98 75.21
Schur Numbers 5 99/130 76.15 88/104 84.62 11/26 42.31 2.76 561.20 49.82
EqTest 5 93/130 71.54 0/0 93/130 71.54 0.66 592.24 75.02
Hamiltonian Path 14 219/364 60.16 201/338 59.47 18/26 69.23 0.24 559.88 64.74
Random Non-Tight 14 216/364 59.34 38/52 73.08 178/312 57.05 0.57 598.20 121.87
Blocked N-Queens 14 167/364 45.88 55/156 35.26 112/208 53.85 13.70 587.40 110.59

Results for SAT instances only

Benchmark Class # Solved % min max avg
15-Puzzle 5 121/130 93.08 0.81 332.30 18.80
Factoring 2 46/52 88.46 1.35 298.80 54.61
Schur Numbers 4 88/104 84.62 2.76 561.20 39.70
RLP-150 1 21/26 80.77 0.56 38.49 11.75
Random Non-Tight 2 38/52 73.08 1.04 450.38 70.50
Hamiltonian Path 13 201/338 59.47 0.24 559.88 61.88
Blocked N-Queens 6 55/156 35.26 13.93 587.40 129.19

Results for UNSAT instances only

Benchmark Class # Solved % min max avg
15-Puzzle 5 115/130 88.46 0.74 480.13 32.52
Factoring 3 68/78 87.18 1.21 554.76 47.46
RLP-150 13 285/338 84.32 0.34 205.03 22.76
RLP-200 14 287/364 78.85 0.39 581.98 75.21
EqTest 5 93/130 71.54 0.66 592.24 75.02
Hamiltonian Path 1 18/26 69.23 1.24 399.79 96.69
Random Non-Tight 12 178/312 57.05 0.57 598.20 132.84
Blocked N-Queens 8 112/208 53.85 13.70 471.36 101.46
Schur Numbers 1 11/26 42.31 24.97 278.94 130.81