Welcome to Asparagus

Answer Set Programming (ASP) emerged in the late 1990s as a new declarative programming paradigm, having its roots in Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Deductive Databases and Logic Programming with negation as failure. Since its inception, ASP has been regarded as the computational embodiment of Nonmonotonic Reasoning and a primary candidate for an effective knowledge representation tool. This view has been boosted by the emergence of highly efficient solvers for ASP.

In September 2002, participants of the Dagstuhl Seminar on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Answer Set Programming and Constraints agreed that, in order to foster the further development of ASP, it is important to establish an infrastructure for benchmarking ASP systems. The intention was to follow good practices already in place in neighboring fields, like Satisfiability Testing and Constraint Programming. Thus, the Dagstuhl Initiative was born to set up an environment for submitting and archiving benchmark problems and instances.

This is the second version of the Asparagus platform. It is online since July 2009. Unlike its predecessor, this second version aims at being open to a wide audience. In particular, it is now possible for registered users to submit new problems as well as encodings and instances for them. This way, Asparagus offers to everyone a means to provide own benchmarks to the public.

The goal of Asparagus is to gather and make accessible a broad collection of benchmarks for ASP systems. Please understand that the collection of benchmarks is constantly evolving, so that the classification of available benchmarks may often be unpolished. However, given that the focus of Asparagus is on extensibility, you are most welcome to become a registered user and to contribute your benchmarks to Asparagus!

If you would like to access the predecessor version of Asparagus, it can be found here.


Control elements, such as check boxes and select boxes, may be improperly displayed in web browsers under KDE 3. Here, a known problem is that selected items do not stay highlighted, which can be confusing. To check whether your web browser highlights all selected items over multiple select boxes, you can, e.g., on the following website try selecting items from multiple boxes:


If an item from one box stays highlighted if you click on an item in another box, it is fine. Otherwise, if the highlighting disappears, your selection is still valid, but it is not shown. To circumvent this problem, you can apply the workaround suggested here:


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